Malay Paulan

Early Learners Teacher

Sabaidee! I was born in Laos and migrated to the USA when I was five which helped me to be fluent in three languages as I got older. I grew up in "The South" where I attended the University of Kentucky Campus in Elizabethtown studying Early Child Development. I bravely moved to Alaska in 1996 to purse a teaching career and have worked with children since. I began building the 2 year old program at Fulton in 2019 and I am so proud of how much it has grown! It is my goal to teach my students practical life skills and help them become as independent as possible. I am blessed to teach, nurture, and watch my littles grow daily.

Likes/Loves: I love spending time with my family, shopping, cooking, Sarcastic t-shirts, the color hot pink, and Louis Vuitton.